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Phone: (859) 462-2076

452 Commonwealth Avenue
Erlanger, KY, 41018
United States


Northern and Central Kentucky Lawyer Steven Doan practices civil rights defense, personal injury, domestic relations, estate planning & probate, and criminal law. His friendly personality and ability to make legal matters easy to understand creates an environment that’s accessible from any socio-economic point of view. 

Real Estate


Real estate transactions are oftentimes the largest transactions an individual will make in their lifetime.  It is critically important that every document is prepared in a way to best protect the interest and reflect the intent of the parties. Steve previously served as General Counsel for one of Northern Kentucky’s largest real estate firm where he gained experience representing both buyers and sellers of real estate, as well as residential development deals, eminent domain actions, and transfers between individuals and business entities.

Steve has also assisted in the management of commercial properties throughout Northern Kentucky and has drafted numerous commercial and residential leases and real estate contracts. Steve worked hand in glove with almost 30 commercial and residential agents, assisting them in spotting issues in their negotiations, representation of their clients, and helping them to push through to closing.

Reach out to Steve at 859.462.2076 if you need competent representation in any of the following areas:

  • Real estate closings

  • Kentucky deeds

  • Lease drafting

  • Evictions

  • Foreclosures

  • Land use and development

  • Purchase and sale agreements

  • Real estate litigation
