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Phone: (859) 462-2076

452 Commonwealth Avenue
Erlanger, KY, 41018
United States


Northern and Central Kentucky Lawyer Steven Doan practices civil rights defense, personal injury, domestic relations, estate planning & probate, and criminal law. His friendly personality and ability to make legal matters easy to understand creates an environment that’s accessible from any socio-economic point of view. 

Family Law

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Thoughtful Legal Assistance For You And Your Changing Family

The area of family law includes divorce, child custody and child support. While divorcing or separating parents may wish to have little to do with each other, the time they have with their children will remain precious forever.

Steve understands the importance of handling sensitive issues like child support and child custody. No child should have to grow up without the presence of their mother or father, especially when that parent desires to play an active role in their child’s life.

When parents divorce, they face critical questions concerning the fates of their children. Mothers and fathers want to be assured their relationships with their children are kept intact. The implications of a child custody arrangement can affect this relationship for life.

Having grown up as the child of divorced parents, Steve has firsthand experience of how much it can hurt a child to be without one of their parents both physically and financially. He is dedicated to helping his clients pursue their objectives in child support and visitation issues, and has a track record of success winning positive results for his clients.