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Phone: (859) 462-2076

452 Commonwealth Avenue
Erlanger, KY, 41018
United States


Northern and Central Kentucky Lawyer Steven Doan practices civil rights defense, personal injury, domestic relations, estate planning & probate, and criminal law. His friendly personality and ability to make legal matters easy to understand creates an environment that’s accessible from any socio-economic point of view. 

Criminal Law


Criminal Law

A criminal conviction can carry with it steep fines, probation and significant prison time. A skilled defense lawyer can help you avoid these consequences.

Steve is a tactful and methodical defense attorney who will use every resource available to him to break open the prosecution’s case. Many attorneys fail to look at every piece of evidence or fail to find the evidence that can clear a defendant’s name. Success in a criminal defense case can hinge on the smallest details. Steve looks at his cases from multiple angels to maximize his client's case.

Steve has assisted numerous criminal defense clients throughout Kenton, Campbell, and Boone counties in resolving their cases. He has extensive experience helping people with a wide range of criminal defense issues including:

  • DUI (DWI, drunk driving) 
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Traffic tickets
  • Drug Possession
  • Shoplifting and theft
  • White collar crimes
  • Fraud
  • Tax evasion
  • Violent crimes