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Phone: (859) 462-2076

452 Commonwealth Avenue
Erlanger, KY, 41018
United States


Northern and Central Kentucky Lawyer Steven Doan practices civil rights defense, personal injury, domestic relations, estate planning & probate, and criminal law. His friendly personality and ability to make legal matters easy to understand creates an environment that’s accessible from any socio-economic point of view. 

Steve Doan Law

Navigating the complexities of the legal system can be daunting. In today's fast-paced society driven by constant change, our legal framework often struggles to keep up. However, a new breed of legal professionals excels in this intricate web of social networks and streamlined data, and leading this charge is Steve Doan Law.

Utilizing the Full Spectrum of Tools

Steve Doan harnesses cutting-edge technology to expedite legal processes significantly. He adeptly navigates social media platforms to uncover crucial evidence, scrutinizes digital records, and mines legal databases for the latest case law amendments that can tip the scales in favor of victory.

Steve specializes in personal injury, real estate law, domestic relations, estate planning and probate, and criminal defense. Unlike conventional practitioners who adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, Steve customizes his legal strategies to suit each unique circumstance based on his client's specific needs.

Book Your Consultation Today

Whether you're grappling with issues like a car accident, child custody battle, or DUI charge, these challenges can have profound personal and financial repercussions for years. Steve prioritizes finding an affordable and effective resolution to your legal matters.

For those seeking legal counsel in Northern Kentucky, Steve Doan is the attorney to consider. His approachable demeanor and clear explanations demystify the legal process, delivering dependable outcomes. He offers free consultations for most cases, ensuring you never have to face the courtroom alone. Contact Steve Doan Law at 859-462-2076.